A machine with emotions
△ 现场勘探
The design controls the transition rhythm between different spaces and the physical perception of people in the space. By ensuring the physical rationality of the interior space, it greatly enhances the psychological and emotional experience of people within the space. This approach aims to meet or exceed the investor's (client's) expectations for the use of the interior space. This serves as my design philosophy and the overarching concept for this project.
Corporate Culture & Space Design
△ 设计灵感:企业logo&莱洛三角
The corporate logo of Maitrelier resembles the Penrose triangle, a shape that represents the cultural spirit and characteristics of this technology enterprise. The Penrose triangle is formed by the overlapping of three circles, from which the cores of three main halls are derived: the reception hall, the exhibition hall, and the conference hall. This design integrates Maitrelier's corporate culture and spirit into the fundamental structure of the interior space.
△ 平面布置
△ 材艺计划
接待厅 · 未来之舞
Reception Hall · Dance of the Future
△ 接待厅 ·未来之舞立面设计
The design concept of the reception hall is "Dance of the Future," inspired by three aspects: the belief that "technology changes the future," the "corporate vision for the future," and the idea that "the essence of display is like a dance."
The wave-like wall design, reminiscent of a skirt's hem, alludes to the concept of dance and serves as the most striking feature of the space.
△ 接待厅全景
In terms of design techniques, the use of streamlined linear lights, metal lines, perforated metal panels, and soft film ceilings creates an atmosphere of "technology and the future." The Lailuo triangle niches, which represent the corporate culture, and the corporate signature color blue serve as the focal points of the space. The spatial experience for visitors is crafted through methods such as segmented mirror walls, dynamic shapes, hidden edges, landscaping, flowing spaces, and strategic viewpoints, all designed to evoke a sense of movement and pause, enriching the emotional experience.
△ 接待厅角度一
△ 接待厅角度二
△ 接待厅角度三
参观长廊 · 探索之目
Gallery Corridor · Eye of Exploration
△ 参观长廊 · 探索之目立面设计
The design concept of the gallery corridor is "Eye of Exploration," which stems from the contemplation of two perspectives: "visitors exploring through their eyes" and "researchers making discoveries through their eyes."
The eye-shaped viewing windows are the highlight of this space, directly reflecting the concept of the "Eye of Exploration."
△ 参观长廊
In terms of design techniques, in addition to the use of minimalist lines, the Lailuo triangle light membrane design and color scheme that represent the corporate culture, and the arrangement of vistas including the foreground, middle ground, background, retrospective views, and the suggestion of direction through dynamic forms, there is also an intention to create an exaggerated sense of the touring process: Visitors start their journey from the entrance, meandering through and peering into the R&D area via observation windows. As the width of these windows changes, visitors can experience the evolving spatial ambience.
△ 展示厅
会议厅 · 艺匠之心
Meeting Hall · The Artisan's Spirit
△ 会议厅 · 艺匠之心立面设计
The design concept of the conference hall is "The Artisan's Heart," originating from the consideration of two aspects: "the exquisite skills and dedicated craftsmanship of researchers" and "the corporate aspiration for sublimity."
The design of the skylight is the biggest highlight of this space. By simulating natural light within the skylight, it creates a lofty ambiance, and also emphasizes the centrality of the space.
△ 会议厅
In terms of design techniques, the use of flowing spaces, echoes, a sense of rhythm, and the definition of volumes are employed to create an emotional experience for visitors within the space.
总经办 · 沉稳&现代
General Office · Steady & Modern
In terms of design techniques, the use of flowing spaces, echoes, a sense of rhythm, and the definition of volumes are employed to create an emotional experience for visitors within the space.
△ 总经办
In terms of design, the approach mainly involves extension, resonance, and differentiation—the circular soft film ceiling is derived from the original building's curved edges, while also echoing the circular shapes in the exhibition area; the technological sense created by the extremely narrow linear lights, the modernity of the observation bar that takes advantage of the columns, and the collision of the leisure reception sofas and coffee tables, and the steady background of the workstations—creating an open and inclusive spatial atmosphere.
△ 游走体验模拟
项目类型 :科技展厅设计及办公空间设计
项目面积 :550m²
项目地点 :联东U谷 · 成都新兴经济园
设计风格 :现代
设计周期 :15天
# 延展阅读
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华银集团办公及屋顶花园装修效果图:项目原始为清水的户型,面积为3380m²,两层,一层室内办公,一层屋顶花园。¥ 0.00立即购买
成都分公司,即此次项目位于中航国际广场。空间总面积709 m²,户型方正,四面采光,光照充足,户外景观丰富。¥ 0.00立即购买
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